Professor Catherine Ceniza Choy is faculty coordinator and co-organizer of a 2016-17 Institute of International Studies faculty interdisciplinary program on “Gender and the Trans-Pacific World.
September 8, 2016
This program explores the significance of gender and “Pacific World” frameworks to understand the connections between the lands, people, cultures, and environments that are in and border the Pacific Ocean. Link: http://iis.berkeley.edu/programs/gender-and-the-trans-pacific-world
The Bancroft Seminar on Latina/o History 2016-2017 Call for Book Manuscripts
July 13, 2016
Selection process begins September 1, 2016 The Bancroft Library Seminar on Latina/o History is now accepting proposals for its 2016-2017 seminar. The seminar is comprised of a collective of northern California faculty dedicated to the interdisciplinary flourishing of Latina/o historiography—from the traditional subfields of social and political history to...
Ethnic Studies Alumna Harriett Skye Honored by North Dakota Native American Hall of Honor
June 17, 2016
Ethnic Studies Ph.D. Alumna Harriett Skye ('07) was recently honored as one of the first inductees into the North Dakota Native American Hall of Honor. The department would like to congratulate Harriett for this very deserving honor! June 3, 2016 Honorees Selected for New Native American Hall of Honor...
“Across Difference”: NSN Volume 3 Just Published
May 27, 2016
NSN (nineteen sixty nine: an ethnic studies journal) is thrilled to announce the publication of "Across Difference," a special issue edited by Kim Tran, Kim McNair, and Maria Faini, as well as a stellar editorial board. This issue is full of powerful visual, poetic, and critical contributions from artists and scholars: Corina Benavides...
Ethnic Studies Student, Paola Mora Paredes, to Receive Chancellor’s Award for Public Service!
May 2, 2016
Ethnic Studies student, Paola Mora Paredes, will receive the Robert J. and Mary Catherine Birgeneau Award for Service to Undocumented Students at the Chancellor's Awards for Public Service on May 9th 2016. Congratulations Paola! The Robert J. and Mary Catherine Birgeneau Recognition Award for Service to Undocumented Students honors undergraduate...
Ethnic Studies Alumnus, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Wins Pulitzer Prize!
April 18, 2016
"As an undergrad I studied English and ethnic studies—English, because I loved literature. The reason why I needed ethic studies was during the 1980s and 1990s you were engaging with the canon. And I couldn’t see myself making a life out of that because of I also felt the imperative...
Adoption history and Women’s History Month by Dr. Catherine Ceniza Choy
March 26, 2016
While Women’s History Month encourages us to recognize the individual achievements of pioneering women in various fields, that recognition should not be an end in itself. It would, and should, take far more than a month to find, reclaim, and remember women’s histories that have not yet been canonized. When...
Opinion: Trump Shows Race-Baiting Is OK in American Politics by Dr. Chris Zepeda-Millán
March 3, 2016
BERKELEY, Calif. — Academics and pundits who don't believe America is "post racial" have long pointed to politicians who use "dog-whistle politics" — coded racial language that appeals to white voters. But in only a few months, Donald Trump's presidential campaign has shown us there is no need for dog...
Anti-Latino Hate Groups Stump for Trump by Dr. Chris Zepeda-Millán
March 1, 2016
Latinos have had plenty of cause for concern regarding Republican front-runner Donald Trump's bid for the presidency. Trump has a long track record of hate-speech directed at Latinos, including blanketly calling Mexican immigrants drug dealers and rapist and blaming "Hispanics" for violent crimes across the country. Given that just this...
Professor Chris Zepeda-Millán to be presented with the 2015 Best Paper in Latino Politics Award
January 19, 2016
Professor Chris Zepeda-Millán will be presented with the "2015 Best Paper in Latino Politics Award" at the 2016 Western Political Science Association Annual Conference for his co-authored paper, "The Political Effects of Having Undocumented Parents,".