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Department News

The Bancroft Seminar on Latina/o History 2016-2017 Call for Book Manuscripts

Bancroft latino studies cfp 2016 17

July 13, 2016

Selection process begins September 1, 2016
The Bancroft Library Seminar on Latina/o History is now accepting proposals for its 2016-2017 seminar. The seminar is comprised of a collective of northern California faculty dedicated to the interdisciplinary flourishing of Latina/o historiography—from the traditional subfields of social and political history to literary, intellectual, art, film, and beyond.
Our primary aim is to provide constructive feedback on book manuscripts with the goal of assisting junior faculty produce cutting edge work. We hope to provide candidates with rigorous feedback in a collegial, amiable environment, and where the candidate will have time to consider the feedback as they continue to prepare their manuscript for publication. To that end, we are seeking applications from candidates who have completed a solid draft of a manuscript but whose work will not be published for another year after the seminar meets.
The Bancroft Seminar is inspired by the well-known Newberry Seminar in Borderlands and Latino/a Studies, but builds on the strength of Bay Area historians in order to both advance the field of Latina/o studies and raise conceptual questions related to historiography. The seminar meets twice a year, and has met since 2014.
Beginning in 2016-2017, each 4-hour seminar will focus on one candidate’s work, and the seminar participants will read the entirety of the candidate’s manuscript allowing us to delve into the candidate’s work. The seminar’s format begins with the candidate providing brief remarks on the project followed by one or two faculty members serving as respondents to the manuscript after which discussion is open to everyone. The seminar concludes with a nice, convivial meal. Under the auspices of the Ethnic Studies Department Chicana/o-Latina/o Studies Program, candidates are offered room and board for two nights.
To apply, please email the following information as a single PDF file to
1)     a cover page that includes: i) name; ii) email address; iii) academic rank; iv) institutional affiliation; v) where your project is in terms of publication (e.g., Do you have a book contract? When will you submit your manuscript to publishers?); vi) one or two sentences describing your project’s disciplinary and interdisciplinary audiences; and vii) state when you would be able to present or any restrictions on when you can not present. seminars meet once in the fall and once in the spring semester on a Friday afternoon. Flexibility will be greatly appreciated.
2)     CV
3)     one page proposal explaining the main questions you would like the seminar to consider as we read your manuscript. Please also address your project’s disciplinary and interdisciplinary interventions; and
4)     a two page dissertation or book manuscript abstract.
For more information on the seminar, please contact the seminar coordinator Raúl Coronado at