People / Graduate Student Alumni

Graduate Student Alumni

Abraham Ramirez

Philosophy of Race, Modernity/Coloniality/Decoloniality, Critical Theory, Migration Theory and Comparative Ethnic Studies.

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Bio & Research Interests

Abraham Ramirez is a PhD. Candidate in the Department of Ethnic Studies and the Program in Critical Theory. His dissertation is on the philosophy of race and consciousness in the work of W.E.B. Du Bois, Frantz Fanon, and bell hooks. Abraham is a Chancellor’s Public Fellow with the American Cultures Engaged Scholarship (ACES), and a Graduate Student in Residence at the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues (ISSI).


Nelson Maldonado-Torres (Rutgers)

Ramon Grosfoguel

Courses Taught or Assisted


Spring 2016.           Instructor, Chicana/o Latina/o Studies Program, University of California, Berkeley: “Chicana/o Latina/o Thought and the Philosophy of Race”

Fall 2013.                Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Race and Resistance Studies, San Francisco State University: “History of People of Color in the United States” 


Fall 2013-2015.      Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Asian American Studies: “Muslims in America,” with Professor Hatem Bazian

Spring 2014.           Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley: “Theories of Race and Ethnicity,” with Professor Pedro Di Pietro

2012, 2013, 2015.  Graduate Student Instructor, Summer Session Abroad, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain: “Intercultural, International Migration and Dialogue of Civilizations Before and After 9/11” with Professor Ramón Grosfoguel

Spring 2013.          Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley: “Humanities Methods in Ethnic Studies,” Professor Enrique Lima

Spring 2010-2012. Graduate Instructor Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Asian American Studies: “Contemporary Politics and Issues,” Professor Harvey Dong

Fall 2010, 2011.     Graduate Instructor, Department of Comparative Ethnic Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Ethnic Studies: “A Comparative Survey of Protest Movements Since the 1960s,” with Professor Carlos Muñoz Jr.

Select publications


2017                Ramirez, Abraham. “The Future of Whiteness by Linda Martin Alcoff (Book Review).” Critical Philosophy of Race. Vol 5. Issue 1